Submission Information


Turn ideas into reality.

Have an amazing idea that would fit into one of our volumes? This is a fantastic opportunity for writers who want exposure, want to work with a great team of filmmakers, and writers who want to see their own work come to life without any cost to them.  Find out how to submit your script here.


On-set experience for all.

If you are in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area and are interested in helping out on a future production as a crew member, please fill out the form in the link below.  Roles available range from Director to Production Assistant – we want to hear from all!


The next on-camera star.

Interested in making a presence on the web?  If you are willing to commute to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, we are interested in collecting your information for future auditions / roles in future films!  You can submit a resume/headshot and short form to be considered for future roles below.


Working with brands to make an impact.

We welcome brands to come and talk to the XV Anthology team about sponsoring a cycle of the series.  How you want to be involved is up to you, and we’d love to talk to you about it!  Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in quick contact with you and your team.